Naan Bread

27 November 2023

Serve this Naan Bread as a side dish with curry. Tear off bits of bread to scoop up the sauce. Take a look at the curry recipes on our website.


250g strong white flour (and extra for dusting)
Vegetable oil (for greasing)
½ x 5ml spoon salt
2 x 5ml spoons fast acting yeast (sometimes called instant or easy bake)
150ml warm water
1 egg
1 x 15ml spoon vegetable oil
Optional flavourings
2 x 5ml spoons cumin seeds
10g (about a handful) chopped fresh coriander
1 x 5ml spoon chilli flakes
1 clove crushed garlic OR ½ x 5ml spoon garlic paste
25g dried fruit


Weighing scales
Baking sheet
Pastry brush
Large mixing bowl
Wooden spoon
Measuring spoons
Measuring jug
Cling film
Rolling pin
Oven gloves


  1. Grease the baking tray.
  2. Place the flour in a large mixing bowl and stir in the salt and yeast.
  3. Turn the hob onto low and heat the water in the saucepan until just warm (NOT hot as this will kill the yeast).
  4. Break the egg into the centre of the flour and add about three quarters of the water. If the dough seems dry, then add the rest of the water. If it is already a soft consistency, then you don’t need to add any more.
  5. Use one hand or a wooden spoon to mix the flour and water to a soft dough.
  6. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead it until the dough is smooth and elastic (stretchy). This will take about 10 minutes.
  7. Dust the mixing bowl with flour and return the dough to the bowl, cover with cling film. Leave in a warm place for around an hour, until the dough has risen and doubled in size. This could be a warm cupboard, on the top of a cooker with the oven on or a sunny windowsill.
  8. When the dough has risen, tip onto a well floured surface and knead in any additional ingredients you may wish to use (see optional flavourings).
  9. Turn the grill onto high.
  10. Divide the dough into individual portions (4 large or 8 small).
  11. Roll and shape the dough into teardrop shapes. Place onto the greased baking sheet.
  12. Brush the naan breads with oil.
  13. Grill the breads under a hot grill until golden brown and risen. This will take about 2 minutes on each side. Make sure you place them on a baking sheet or they will sink through the grill rack!

Skills used include:
Weighing, measuring, mixing/combining, rolling, kneading, melting, grilling and serving.

Top Tips

  • Naan breads can also be cooked in a hot frying pan or on a griddle rather than under a grill. Use a fish slice or palette knife to flip over.
  • Kneading dough by hand can take up to 10 minutes, depending on your energy. Use your knuckles to push the dough away from you, fold the dough in half, turn it around and continue pushing the dough away from you. Keep working until the dough feels smooth and stretchy.
  • To save time and effort, kneading the dough can be done in a freestanding mixer if you have one.

Something to try next time

  • Try brushing the naan with flavoured olive oil. Chilli oil will give your naan bread a ‘kick’! Or you could crush a clove of garlic in with the oil before glazing.

Prepare now, eat later

  • The naan will keep in an airtight container in a cool place for up to 2 days. Reheat under a hot grill.
  • Freeze the cooked naan for up to 1 month. Defrost and reheat under a hot grill.